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jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

Paris, the former Lutece was evangelized from the third century. There were about 250 Christian enough for the Pope Fabian sent there as the first bishop Dionysius, St. Denis became our patron saint of Paris. Christians being persecuted while in Gaul as in all the Christian Empire, Bishop Denis was secretly worship without doubt in a single room of a Gallo-Roman. Denis moreover been martyred some years later with his assistants on Mount Mercury, named for Mount Martyrum (Montmartre). His successors have lived in hiding until the peace of the Church decided by the Emperor Constantine in 313.

This map is from the Literary and Historical Atlas of Europe, by J.G. Bartholomew, 1912. It is in the public domain and you may download it or print it for any use. Click it to return to the smaller version.

Plan interactif

Vues panoramiques 360°

Au cœur de l’Île de la Cité

Historique de la construction

1500 ans de musique sacrée à Notre Dame

Grandes Figures et Personnalités

La façade occidentale


Eléments architecturaux

Les Orgues






Cloches et horloge

La cathédrale en chiffres

Visites offertes par la Cathédrale

Espace jeunesse

This map is from the Literary and Historical Atlas of Europe, by J.G. Bartholomew, 1912. It is in the public domain and you may download it or print it for any use. Click it to return to the smaller version.

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Derecho de Pernada middle age

Kings and some Knight Could make the love with others women, she couldn`t say “no”, she must make the love with landlord.We can`t know why the landlords wanted to make the love with her, some people think, there was a right to make the love with her, other people think, it was a ritual.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010