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martes, 22 de junio de 2010


RÍO DE JANEIRO. (EUROPA PRESS) El gobernador del estado de Alagoas (este), hasta ahora el más afectado por las inundaciones que están afectando el noreste de Brasil, y que han provocado decenas de muertes, afirmó este lunes que el saldo de esta catástrofe en su región es de 22 muertos y un millar de desaparecidos. Se trata de unas cifras que contrastan con las ofrecidas por la Defensa Civil del estado, que por el momento ha confirmado 26 muertes y sitúan el número de desaparecidos en 607, de los que medio millar se han registrado en la localidad de Uniao dos Palmares. En esta localidad, además, hay nueve muertes confirmadas.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010


Our houses in 2020
our houses in 2020 will bevery good forenvironmet because we will use solar panels in every houses.

Now only a few houses have solar panels to produce electricity.

The panels uses the energy from the sun to get energy.
Students representing 17 universities from around world began a 10-day competition in Madrid Friday to design and build the best house run only by solar energy.

The Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) competition, which brought together student architects and engineers, will conclude on June 27 with the jury naming three winners.

Would you like to live in a house like this?

Do you think this has any problem?

What are the advantages?

On 17th of June, the Spanish selection plsyed with Suiza. Spain don´t win. Today we are going to play with Honduras. Tosay he need win because if eliminate.

I was wearing a red and yellow t-shirt and it has got a yellow name with the football player´s name. My favourite player is David Villa. He´s Asturian.

The people Spanish follow to the Spanish Selection. There are many people watching to the Spanish Selection.

The life of a student

Secundary students always wear an uniform at school.
We usually do our homework, the classes start at quarter past eight and finish at quarter past two. We have a lot of subjects. We have two breaks but primary school only have one. After school we have to do our homework and someone have extra classes or sports.
In Villaviciosa we can swim, play tennis, play basketball...
And now what about you?
what time do you go to school?
have you got extra classes?
What is your favorite subject?
Do you have a lot of homework?
Did you get a good marks?

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was a navigator from Genoa, Italy,a colonizer, and explorer, whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. With his four voyages of exploration and several attempts at establishing a settlement on the island of Hispaniola, all funded by Isabella I of Castile, he initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World".Although not the first to reach the Americas from Europe—he was preceded by at least one other group, the Norse, led by Leif Ericson, who built a temporary settlement 500 years earlier at L'Anse aux Meadows Columbus initiated widespread contact between Europeans and indigenous Americans.The term "pre-Columbian" is usually used to refer to the peoples and cultures of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and his European successors.The name Christopher Columbus is the Anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus. The original name in 15th century Genoese language was Christoffa Corombo.The name is rendered in modern Italian as Cristoforo Colombo, in Portuguese as Cristóvão Colombo,in Catalan as Cristòfor Colom, and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón.Columbus's initial 1492 voyage came at a critical time of growing national imperialism and economic competition between developing nation states seeking wealth from the establishment of trade routes and colonies. In this sociopolitical climate, Columbus's far-fetched scheme won the attention of Isabella I of Castile. Severely underestimating the circumference of the Earth, he estimated that a westward route from Iberia to the Indies would be shorter than the overland trade route through Arabia. If true, this would allow Spain entry into the lucrative spice trade — heretofore commanded by the Arabs and Italians. Following his plotted course, he instead landed within the Bahamas Archipelago at a locale he named San Salvador. Mistaking the lands he encountered for the East Indies, he referred to the inhabitants as "indios".There is a linguistic urban legend that he actually named them "una gente in Dios",and that in 1492 India was called Hindustan, but he never used the phrase "una gente in Dios" and India had been called India for centuries and the name 'Hindustan' did not become common until some time after Columbus.The anniversary of Columbus's 1492 landing in the Americas is usually observed as Columbus Day on 12 October in Spain and throughout the Americas, except Canada. In the United States it is observed annually on the second Monday in October.
Los mayas ,incas y aztecas
La civilización maya habitó una vasta región denominada Mesoamérica, en el territorio hoy comprendido por cinco estados del sureste de México
Durante ese largo tiempo, en ese territorio se hablaron cientos de dialectos que generan hoy cerca de 44 lenguas mayas diferentes.

Los mexicas
llamados en la historiografía occidental aztecas — fueron un pueblo indígena de filiación nahua que fundó México-Tenochtitlan y hacia el siglo XV en el periodo Posclásico tardío se convirtió en el centro de uno de los Estados más extensos que conoció Mesoamérica asentados en un islote al poniente del Lago de Texcoco hoy prácticamente desecado, sobre el que se asienta la actual Ciudad de México.

Los incas, antiguamente inga
fueron los gobernantes del imperio aborigen más extenso de América precolombina. También eran usados los términos Cápac Inca
El primer sinchi cusqueño en utilizar el título de inca fue Inca Roca, fundador también de la dinastía Hanan Cuzco. El último inca en el gobierno fue Atahualpa. Posteriormente el título es usado por los que opusieron resistencia a la conquista del Imperio inca, como los casos de Manco Inca o Túpac Amaru I.
Ana Riestra Dindurra

Christopher Colombus

Christopher Columbus (1451 – 20 May 1506) was a navigator from Genoa, Italy,[1] a colonizer, and explorer, whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. With his four voyages of exploration and several attempts at establishing a settlement on the island of Hispaniola, all funded by Isabella I of Castile, he initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World".

Although not the first to reach the Americas from Europe—he was preceded by at least one other group, the Norse, led by Leif Ericson, who built a temporary settlement 500 years earlier at L'Anse aux Meadows[2]— Columbus initiated widespread contact between Europeans and indigenous Americans.

The term "pre-Columbian" is usually used to refer to the peoples and cultures of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and his European successors.


The Mayan buildings were made of wood and stone basically. Among the woods are preferred coba and sapote, being very resistant to termite attacks. Among the stones were used limestone, sandstone, marble, etc..
They performed all types of buildings: palaces rectangular and elongated, temples, ball courts, causeways (sacbeob) linking the main towns, forts, steam baths (temazcal).
Major pyramids are preserved in stone. On top of these stood the temple. They were decorated with paintings of a wide range of colors, and embossing. Some of these are inscriptions of the Maya hieroglyphic writing, not yet fully deciphered. The most important buildings of this period were Copan, Quirigua, Piedras Negras, Palenque and Tikal.
Claudia y Laura
Christopher Columbus (1451 – 20 May 1506) was a navigator from Genoa, Italy,[1] a colonizer, and explorer, whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. With his four voyages of exploration and several attempts at establishing a settlement on the island of Hispaniola, all funded by Isabella I of Castile, he initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World".

Although not the first to reach the Americas from Europe—he was preceded by at least one other group, the Norse, led by Leif Ericson, who built a temporary settlement 500 years earlier at L'Anse aux Meadows[2]— Columbus initiated widespread contact between Europeans and indigenous Americans.


The center of the Inca Empire was the city of Cuzco - Cuzco today - which was the capital of the empire Tahuantinsuyo, whose foundation was attributed to Manco Capac and it was destroyed by the Spanish to use their churches and residential building materials. Was integrated with Vilcanota River Valley - Urubamba current - called the Sacred Valley to the city of Machu Picchu.

Cuzco was a center surrounded by several peripheral populations, including the great fortress of Sacsahuamán, composed of three levels of walls crowned by a citadel and three large towers made up of large granite blocks properly adjusted.
Claudia y Laura


In the geographical area that corresponds to the southern half of Mexico today, there developed a great cultural activity from about 2000 years a. C. In this region lived in different towns, some of which we have all left their thriving culture, as is the case of the archaeological city of Teotihuacan, and deserted when the Spanish arrived. In the central Mexican plateau from the late seventh century until the mid-twelfth century, the Toltec culture was developed that was to merge with the Maya in their expansion to the Yucatan.
Laura y Claudia.