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lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

The hippocratic oath

The hippocratic oath:

The Hippocratic Oath is a document venerable moral heritage of the West, will ecumenical Antigücdad transhistorical of classical medical ethics

The original text presents the canonical structure of an oath and consists of eight clauses arranged in four parts.

1. Invocation or appeal to the gods senators, guardian deities and "first inventors" of the healing art. But do not invoke the gods for help to cure the sick and raises the measure of the human conscience, the only limits of reason and freedom.
2. Commitment, a pact or alliance within an academic community and professional obligations among its members. The medical unit is based on a dual commitment of fidelity to the master and restricted to an elite education, filial love, gratitude and love teaching the disinterest in the transmission of knowledge
3. Code, mandatory or duties of the physician to the patient according to the three branches of the healing art (dietary, pharmaceutical and surgical) and the nature of the therapeutic relationship (support and respect.) It has a certain symmetrical construction, with a central positive affirmation ("I live and practice my art so holy and pure"), preceded and followed by three major prohibitions (harm, kill, abort, operate, fornicate, report)
4. The diet, in the old sense and broad life regime, involves the principle of beneficence and non-maleficence "promote or not to harm," the primum non nocere of clubbing Latino.
5. The materia medica, or administration of drugs (both medicines and poisons in Greek), prescribes the principle of inviolability of human life from conception to the agony, prohibition of abortion and euthanasia, and the duty of purity , holiness in life and art of milkweed.
6. Surgery, manual intervention and bloody, proclaims the principle of non therapeutic mutilation or fatal or fatal diseases need.
7. Medical care is founded on the principle of philanthropy or love of humanity, and virtue of the doctor is the gentleman, being beautiful and good, noble or man.
8. The required professional secrecy or confidentiality as a principle of respect for the doctor to the patient, ensuring the friendly relationship between them, this meeting of an awareness and confidence.
9. Demand or claim of commutative justice, now the reward for the observance of the oath, now the penalty for noncompliance, focusing both on the morale and prestige of being inseparable from the medical profession. In conclusion, we hold that the noble oath is a paradoxical symbol of medical ethics, as evidenced by the separation between being and ought to be, reality and utopia of medicine. But it also contains a message corresponding to triple its three constituent parts, ie the invocation and demand in both formal oath, called the pact or alliance, and the code or professional ethics.

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